public class JetPlayer
extends Object
java.lang.Object | |
↳ | |
请参阅JET Creator用户手册,了解JET交互式音乐概念以及如何使用JetCreator工具创建内容以便由JetPlayer播放。
JetPlayer类的使用基于顺序添加到回放FIFO队列的多个JET段的回放。 存储在每个段中的MIDI内容的渲染可以通过两种机制动态地影响:
to construct a JetPlayer instance. JetPlayer is a singleton class.
有关如何使用JetPlayer的更多信息,请阅读 JetPlayer开发人员指南。
Nested classes |
interface |
JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener JET引擎生成事件时处理通知。 |
Public methods |
boolean |
clearQueue() 清空细分队列,并清除预定要播放的所有剪辑。 |
Object |
clone() 不支持克隆JetPlayer实例。 |
boolean |
closeJetFile() 关闭包含JET内容的资源。 |
static JetPlayer |
getJetPlayer() JetPlayer类的工厂方法。 |
static int |
getMaxTracks() 返回JetPlayer支持的同时MIDI轨道的最大数量 |
boolean |
loadJetFile(String path) 从给定路径加载.jet文件。 |
boolean |
loadJetFile(AssetFileDescriptor afd) 从资产文件描述符加载.jet文件。 |
boolean |
pause() 暂停播放JET段队列。 |
boolean |
play() 开始播放JET段队列。 |
boolean |
queueJetSegment(int segmentNum, int libNum, int repeatCount, int transpose, int muteFlags, byte userID) 在JET队列中排队指定的段。 |
boolean |
queueJetSegmentMuteArray(int segmentNum, int libNum, int repeatCount, int transpose, boolean[] muteArray, byte userID) 在JET队列中排队指定的段。 |
void |
release() 停止当前的JET回放,并释放所有关联的本机资源。 |
void |
setEventListener(JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener listener) 设置侦听器JetPlayer在渲染和回放引擎生成JET事件时通知。 |
void |
setEventListener(JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener listener, Handler handler) 设置侦听器JetPlayer在渲染和回放引擎生成JET事件时通知。 |
boolean |
setMuteArray(boolean[] muteArray, boolean sync) 修改当前活动段的静音标志。 |
boolean |
setMuteFlag(int trackId, boolean muteFlag, boolean sync) 静音或取消静音单曲。 |
boolean |
setMuteFlags(int muteFlags, boolean sync) 修改静音标志。 |
boolean |
triggerClip(int clipId) 计划剪辑的播放。 |
Protected methods |
void |
finalize() 当垃圾收集确定没有更多对该对象的引用时,由对象上的垃圾回收器调用。 |
Inherited methods |
![]() java.lang.Object
boolean clearQueue ()
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the queue was successfully cleared, false otherwise. |
Object clone ()
不支持克隆JetPlayer实例。 调用clone()会产生一个异常。
Returns | |
Object |
a clone of this instance. |
Throws | |
CloneNotSupportedException |
boolean closeJetFile ()
Returns | |
boolean |
true if successfully closed, false otherwise. |
JetPlayer getJetPlayer ()
Returns | |
JetPlayer |
the singleton JetPlayer instance |
boolean loadJetFile (String path)
Parameters | |
path |
String : the path to the .jet file, for instance "/sdcard/mygame/music.jet". |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if loading the .jet file was successful, false if loading failed. |
boolean loadJetFile (AssetFileDescriptor afd)
Parameters | |
afd |
AssetFileDescriptor : the asset file descriptor. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if loading the .jet file was successful, false if loading failed. |
boolean pause ()
Returns | |
boolean |
true if rendering and playback is successfully paused, false otherwise. |
boolean play ()
Returns | |
boolean |
true if rendering and playback is successfully started, false otherwise. |
boolean queueJetSegment (int segmentNum, int libNum, int repeatCount, int transpose, int muteFlags, byte userID)
Parameters | |
segmentNum |
int : the identifier of the segment. |
libNum |
int : the index of the sound bank associated with the segment. Use -1 to indicate that no sound bank (DLS file) is associated with this segment, in which case JET will use the General MIDI library. |
repeatCount |
int : the number of times the segment will be repeated. 0 means the segment will only play once. -1 means the segment will repeat indefinitely. |
transpose |
int : the amount of pitch transposition. Set to 0 for normal playback. Range is -12 to +12. |
muteFlags |
int : a bitmask to specify which MIDI tracks will be muted during playback. Bit 0 affects track 0, bit 1 affects track 1 etc. |
userID |
byte : a value specified by the application that uniquely identifies the segment. this value is received in the onJetUserIdUpdate(JetPlayer, int, int) event listener method. Normally, the application will keep a byte value that is incremented each time a new segment is queued up. This can be used to look up any special characteristics of that track including trigger clips and mute flags. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the segment was successfully queued, false if the queue is full or if the parameters are invalid. |
boolean queueJetSegmentMuteArray (int segmentNum, int libNum, int repeatCount, int transpose, boolean[] muteArray, byte userID)
Parameters | |
segmentNum |
int : the identifier of the segment. |
libNum |
int : the index of the soundbank associated with the segment. Use -1 to indicate that no sound bank (DLS file) is associated with this segment, in which case JET will use the General MIDI library. |
repeatCount |
int : the number of times the segment will be repeated. 0 means the segment will only play once. -1 means the segment will repeat indefinitely. |
transpose |
int : the amount of pitch transposition. Set to 0 for normal playback. Range is -12 to +12. |
muteArray |
boolean : an array of booleans to specify which MIDI tracks will be muted during playback. The value at index 0 affects track 0, value at index 1 affects track 1 etc. The length of the array must be getMaxTracks() for the call to succeed. |
userID |
byte : a value specified by the application that uniquely identifies the segment. this value is received in the onJetUserIdUpdate(JetPlayer, int, int) event listener method. Normally, the application will keep a byte value that is incremented each time a new segment is queued up. This can be used to look up any special characteristics of that track including trigger clips and mute flags. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the segment was successfully queued, false if the queue is full or if the parameters are invalid. |
void release ()
停止当前的JET回放,并释放所有关联的本机资源。 该对象不能再使用,并且在调用release()之后应将该引用设置为null。
void setEventListener (JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener listener)
设置侦听器JetPlayer在渲染和回放引擎生成JET事件时通知。 通知将在与创建JetPlayer实例的线程相同的线程中接收。
void setEventListener (JetPlayer.OnJetEventListener listener, Handler handler)
设置侦听器JetPlayer在渲染和回放引擎生成JET事件时通知。 使用此方法在Handler中接收与创建JetPlayer实例的线程相关的JET事件。
Parameters | |
handler |
Handler : the Handler that will receive the event notification messages. |
boolean setMuteArray (boolean[] muteArray, boolean sync)
Parameters | |
muteArray |
boolean : an array of booleans to specify which MIDI tracks are muted. The value at index 0 affects track 0, value at index 1 affects track 1 etc. The length of the array must be getMaxTracks() for the call to succeed. |
sync |
boolean : if false, the new mute flags will be applied as soon as possible by the JET render and playback engine. If true, the mute flags will be updated at the start of the next segment. If the segment is repeated, the flags will take effect the next time segment is repeated. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the mute flags were successfully updated, false otherwise. |
boolean setMuteFlag (int trackId, boolean muteFlag, boolean sync)
Parameters | |
trackId |
int : the index of the track to mute. |
muteFlag |
boolean : set to true to mute, false to unmute. |
sync |
boolean : if false, the new mute flags will be applied as soon as possible by the JET render and playback engine. If true, the mute flag will be updated at the start of the next segment. If the segment is repeated, the flag will take effect the next time segment is repeated. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the mute flag was successfully updated, false otherwise. |
boolean setMuteFlags (int muteFlags, boolean sync)
Parameters | |
muteFlags |
int : a bitmask to specify which MIDI tracks are muted. Bit 0 affects track 0, bit 1 affects track 1 etc. |
sync |
boolean : if false, the new mute flags will be applied as soon as possible by the JET render and playback engine. If true, the mute flags will be updated at the start of the next segment. If the segment is repeated, the flags will take effect the next time segment is repeated. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the mute flags were successfully updated, false otherwise. |
boolean triggerClip (int clipId)
计划剪辑的播放。 这将自动更新与JET剪辑标记(控制器103)同步的静音标记。 参数clipID必须在0-63的范围内。 在调用triggerClip之后,当JET下一个遇到控制器事件103,其位0-5的值等于clipID且位6设置为1时,它将自动取消静音含有控制器事件的轨道。 当JET遇到互补控制器事件103,其中位0-5的值等于clipID且位6设置为0时,它将再次静音轨道。
Parameters | |
clipId |
int : the identifier of the clip to trigger. |
Returns | |
boolean |
true if the clip was successfully triggered, false otherwise. |
void finalize ()
当垃圾收集确定没有更多对该对象的引用时,由对象上的垃圾回收器调用。 子类重写finalize
是,它被调用,如果当在Java TM虚拟机已确定不再有由该目的可以通过还没有死亡,除了作为一个动作的结果的任何线程访问的任何手段取决于某些其他可以完成的对象或类别的最终定稿。 该finalize
方法可以采取任何行动,包括再制作该对象提供给其他线程; 然而, finalize
的通常目的是在对象被不可撤销地丢弃之前执行清理操作。 例如,表示输入/输出连接的对象的finalize方法可能会执行显式I / O事务,以在永久丢弃该对象之前中断连接。
执行特殊操作; 它只是正常返回。 Object
方法。 但是,保证调用finalize的线程在调用finalize时不会保留任何用户可见的同步锁。 如果finalize方法引发未捕获的异常,则忽略该异常,并终止该对象的终止。
在针对对象调用 finalize
对于任何给定的对象,Java虚拟机从不会多次调用 finalize
方法抛出的任何异常 finalize